A number of companies have announced the vaccines for COVID-19 pandemic\nthat has caused extreme poverty, famine, and more than a billion people\nhave lost livelihood all across the globe. Mass production of vaccine Sputnik\nV is underway at different locations to inoculate population in Russia, Philippines,\nVietnam, Brazil, Saudi Arab, and United Arab Emirates (UAE), and\nIndia. mRNA based vaccine of Pfizer-BioNTech after passing phase 2 trial is\nready for testing on thousands of volunteers. Oxford University-AstraZeneca\nvaccine is also under phase 3 trial in US, Brazil, and India. In September, Novavax\nInc.â??s vaccine will be ready for phase 3 trial. By early next year, two billions\nof doses will be ready of Novavax. Moderna Therapeutics conducting\nvaccine trial on 30 thousands volunteers, results will be known soon..........................